Woohoo........ i get to play with Graphic 45 papers for Jan DT kit from YSS.
I know I have lots of Christmas photos to scrap. Yet these papers are very versatile too for other pics.
All DT this month get to scraplift from one another. This my take on Liz Chidester "Ham" LO where she cut and curl papers.......... love it.
Me, being the shabby chic girl who loves to distress and tear and ink... I simply tear and roll back the papers with my fingers.
LO" Wisdom"

JOurnal is hidden where the black piece of pp is......... looks like an envelope, right.
This is how our family handles the avalanche of presents from Christmas or birthday.
A wise parent taught me this. Every year, after they tear open the wrapper of the presents.
They get to choose 2 that they want to play with NOW. The rest goes into Mommy's treasure box.
Then over the next 12 months, mommy slowly releases 'treasures' out 1 by 1.
But of course, I release craft materials, stationery rather easily cos these has shelf life. Pens get dry up easily.
And if they have similar toys or toys which are not suitable, I 'buy over' from them. I gave them some pocket money to save. But overall, they got to donate 2 of all the toys they get to Charity.
Why we do what we do? Cos I want them to really treasure their gifts.... it is too much for child to open all 20-30 presents at 1 time and really they dont play with them and they lose interest easily. I remember how I had 1 doll and that was my fav and I really play it to 'death'....... LOL.
And also i want my children to remember the less fortunate...... to receive is a blessing but to give is a greater blessing. I want them to be charitable, to be conscious of the lesser fortunate in society and less of the "Me, I, Myself" craze. I want to teach my children the value of handling material blessings........ not to be overwhelm and control by stuff.
LO: Someone
This sweetie cannot contain her excitement..... since the presents under the tree keep growing... she has been lurking around the tree.... asking"Can I open my presents"......... and today, right out of bed........ hair in a mess... eyes blurry... she hid behind the Christmas tree... checking out her presents....
Is she a cutie?

I made this star and hang some tags on it with twine.
Remember to check out
YSS....... this month is huge... our 3rd birthday........
20% off total bill.......... and check out the sale too.... lots of goodies.
Also remember to load your LO/projects to the USER gallery. We will pick 1 to feature each month. You win stash cash. That's sound good!!!!!