Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
To all my friends who are celebrating.
Enjoy the warmth of family.
I will be taking a break........ will be back Friday 5th Dec.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Mini Album - 2009 Observations
I was reflecting all that I have done this year and I realised i kinda of forgotten some things. And I wish I stay in that memory a bit more of some important events. Wish i had journal or record some things more.
So now, I decided to make this album for 2009 - as a journal, as a book to record all that will happen for 2009.
The concept is the same as Ali Edwards Dec Daily Album where you add as you go along.
I like this concept alot cos it will make us more aware of each day. Capture that which matters.
I adapted the concept to a monthly one - to take note of what happen each month.
It can be an event, or just a photo. Or some random journaling.
So, at the end of 2009, I will have an album which I had taken along for that year and recorded some of the things which I may have forgotten as the year close.
Here is it:
1. The Jenni Bowlin Calendar cards are perfect for this project. I can use all of them in 1 project. I position them like tabs on each page.
2. I stick to black, cream and red theme. Some of my fav colours. All papers from Jenni Bowlin.
3. I added some journaling cards, Bingo cards from Jenni Bowlin.
4. And of course, can't do without my fav stamps.
I use these 2 sets of stamps alot in this project.
- Fontwerks Patterna set
- October Afternoon 'save the date"
These 2 sets are very versatile, esp the Patterns........ I use them like background stamps....... to create lines... so much you can get out of this set.
And these 2 stamps are ON SALE over at YSS. At 25% off. Quick grab them before they are gone.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Technique- Tape transfer
Remember some LOs I posted yesterday.
Here is one technique which I want to share:
Tape Transfer
1) First cut out a pattern, flower from your Pattern Paper.
Here I cut out this lovely print from Jenni Bowlin paper.
Then I put clear tape over..... covering the entire motif.
2) Then I soak it into a bowl of water. Leave it there for 5 mins.
3) By now the fibers of the paper will soften.... use your thumb to rub it off.
You will see that the motif is transferred to the tape.
4) Dry it and use clear glue to stick it your LO.
This gives the motif a clear gloss on time....... a fun way of using the patterns on your PP.
Here is the LO:
And another tip off: YSS is having a October Afternoon Contest. Load your LOs and projects using the latest OA range like Hometown, Weathervane...... you can win MORE OA goodies.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
YSS DT work - Jenni Bowlin goodies
For my first DT assignment, YSS sent me these gorgeous Jenni Bowlin goodies. Plus lots of Prima Voila Felt, flowers... etc...
I am so excited.
Here are 3 LOs I did......... more projects to come.
1) Blessed Life
Concept: Initially I find the large piece of Prima Felt very intimidating.... dont know how to use it so it will not be overwhelming.... so I played around with it by cutting it up..... Once it is cut up, it is so much easier to use. I layer it around the corners of my paper block. I like it that way!
Then to use some left over scraps, I cut some circles from the scrap and layer them on top of each other to make flowers. Put a button and a 7G sticker as the centre.
2) Why I am still married to him?
Concept: This Jenni Bowlin die cut with lines is perfect for journaling. i love it so much!
And the Prima Voila Felt is perfect for this LO. This has a heart in the centre so I decided to use the entire piece. Not so intimidating afterall.
Here I listed 10 reasons I am still married to my hubby. Time to remember why I love him sooo much!
Hope he is reading this!!!! And thereafter, buy me a Zutter!!! LOL!
3) Grow old together
Concept: And the Prima Voila Felt is perfect for this LO. This has a heart in the centre so I decided to use the entire piece. Not so intimidating afterall.
And I use the theme of hearts throughout this LO. I cut a heart from a Jenni Bowlin paper. Cut 2 small hearts and layer them on the top right corner.
November is a special month for us! I just celebrated my 12th wedding anniversary.... how cool!
So all these LOs has that theme in them.
Meanwhile, hop over to YSS........... some things are marked down now! Quick... time to grab the goodies!
Tomorrow I will be posting some technique i used here.
Friday, November 21, 2008
the saga continues
As you know, my little one is sick. She was puking......... well, I send her to the doc.
Here is what he said" what's wrong with her?"......... she look fine!
FINE! What fine?
I dont blame doc......... cos by the time Little Ms E went to see him, she was perky and happy. None of the crying and fussy pot she was last night.
But ME! I looked like I was ran over by a truck......... smelled like poo.......
Come to think of it......... no wonder Doc was smiling all the time.
I think I forgot to brush my hair when I left the house......... LOL!
Anyway, day 2 of sickness... Little Ms E didn't get better....... refused to take medicine... spit out everything........ it was getting more distressing(not the ink type)!!! And I look none the worse!
And hubby got to come home and exclaimed "Wow.. what happened to you?" Eye bags and such!!!
I almost throw my flying "Hole Piercer" at him.......... LOL!
To cut it short, I had to bring Little Ms E to doc again. This time, another one cos he was available. Worse, Little Ms E was so unwell hours before... difficulty in breathing.. crying but when we went to the clinic........... she was greeting doc "Dot-or"...... and giving him the best smiles. Then she went into a 'chicken dance' (courtesy of the elder sister's training)....... I let out a hyena laugh............ I can't believe what I saw! With all the energy she displayed... no one will believer she was VERY sick! The patients outside the room must be thinking I am high on 'laughing gas"........... LOL!
okie..... to relieve my stress......... I went for scrappy happiness....... by digging into my DT assignments for YSS while they slept.
What a treat! Erica sent me some very lovely stuff!
Hubby couldn't believe I could still scrap........ hee..hee... did 3 LOs!
I told him...... this is cheaper than sending me for stress therapy or a spa treatment. LOL!
Will be posting tomorrow! See ya!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
sick sick sick
Oh.. dear.. my kids caught the flu bug. Bad timing.......
Just when I got to dig into my DT assignments........... my little Ms E vommitted twice last night. It was horrible. The bed is soaked....... I was soaked in her vomit too!
Yikes.. I still smell sour-ish!!!
Pray for her that she will be ok this week.
Too tired to go on and on...... got to catch some rest!!!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Woohoo..... LISTEN to the good news!
Woohoo.... over at OLW... I won I won...
Here is what I submitted............
I loooooooooooovvee OLW... since Aug this year... I have been hooked...
I am a journaling person... I am a word person..
Yes... I am seriously addicted to OLW.
I won a kit from Kenner Road. How thrilled I am!!!
I have been stalking this kit club since last month... they are relatively new in the market... but their pick are seriously good!!! Anything vintage will win my heart but this kit is more than amazing..... it has THAT touch... which makes the difference for me........ Check them out!
Now, floating on cloud 9............ see ya!
Aftermath of the crop
Yes... I am so tired after 7 hours of crop at Madewithlove party...... it was a blast!
Lots of games, challenges, shopping specials..... hourly........ so you guess....... I had little scrapping done!
I managed to finished 1 only....... arrrg.... but the laughter, the socialisation was fun!
Met some new friends..... sitting with some scrappers whom I have known throughout this year... Pancy, Lena, Susan, Veronica, Grace........ all very sporting people! We had bunches of laughter.......
Here is the link to the MWL blog. Check out the hilarious photos.
My first ever crop....... i think I need rest now!!!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Crop-pi-dy crop
Yes... I am one of the 22 who got a place in my LSS (madewithlove) 5th anniversary crop. It was madness... we got to sms at 12midnight to get a spot. Fortunately I got in! This is my FIRST EVER crop...... can you believe it! After all these years of scrapping, I've never been to one.
I am too excited... now that's an understatement.
I couldn't decide what to bring.
I packed my entire scrapping room there. LOL!
I couldn't decide what to scrap.... i suspect I am one of those who can't do much at crops!
I am all madness seeing the bags and bags to bring........ haha....
can't wait for Saturday to come! Crop-pi-dy crop at Made with Love.....
Heard there are lots of games, challenges, prizes! Now, that will be fun!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Listen to your heart
I am in a state of hopeless devotion to my Webster Pages...... some of you will notice I have been using WP in my recent LOs.......... really I looooooooove it so much!
This page is inspired by Anabelle, see her blog here.
I love to cut up the papers... layering over... with lace, flowers... and Hamblys... seriously in love with them all. I trace a scallop pp to a WP paper.......... use a white pen to draw a frame...... simple!
Here is I created for DT for Scrap Schemes "(i am also submitting this for OLW)
Journaling: Mar 2008, communication with you was tough. Nothing got thru. You were acting up, frustrated. Crying alot.... anxious..... yet doesn't want to talk much. We seemed to lose our connection. One day i was talking to your dad about this problem. He said "LISTEN to her"... I was defensive.... "what do you mean, I wasn't listening?" Everyday I am listening.
You dad said these words of wisdom which jostled me "Listen to her.... I mean her 'nonsense".... her silly jokes.. her goofy antics with her classmates... that's a part of her right now. Then slowly she will tell you the more serious, the issues weighing her heart. You got to be patient, to get past the trivial first.
Then i realised I have been falling short in this area.... i have been listening to what I want to hear.... to what I like to know.... I am too impatient. I brushed off a part of you.... the part where you tend to notice funny, silly things. I am not listening.... I am so sorry... I will try again.
I will learn to listen, to pay attention, to be there, to listen to ALL of you, to listen to your world, your perspective. Months have passed since... things have improved. I am grateful fo rthis learning experience- the art of listening. I've not mastered it full but I am still trying. To listen with my ALL, to ALL you are!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
goody good goodie NEWS!
Woo..hoo......... this email got me jumping.
Erica from yourscrapbookstash (YSS) emailed me that a DT spot is open and I am IN! Hooray!
I am completely completely overjoyed......... shocked........ stoked........... hilarious........ just too lost for words! I was jumping up and down......... Somebody, please pinch me!
Well, I am a YSS fan....... have been buying from her thru 'spree queen' Felicia.
YSS is probably the one US online retailer who ship for free for orders over $250......... to Singapore!
Many prob thinks Singapore is out of this planet earth....... somewhere in China........ LOL!
And we, Singaporeans girls can really buy...... & buy & buy...... trust me....... Just count the number of organized sprees. We are called 'Shop-a-holic' nation!
Yesterady in church, I was talking to my Friend T........ grasp...... she confessed she alone (1 person) bought more than $250 in one YSS trip and got free shipping........ gosh.. I thought I was the shop-a-holic........ wait till you meet my Friend T. That's in US dollars, mind you!
Well, to be on DT for my fav store is really nice! Thanks Erica for the opportunity.
Can't wait to play with the goodies!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Creative Scrappers Sketch #25
Come over to Creative Scrappers and join in this sketch. Amazing work by the team!
Here is my DT work: "Quirks"
I decided to use lots of polka dots papers (one of my quirks).... lots of colours..... and my 'funny face' (without Photoshop)....... hahaha... I want it natural........ all the lines and blemishes!
1. I drive without shoes.
2. I need a towel/blanket over my chest when I sleep.
3. I love polka dots too much.
4. I can't stand having eraser residue on the table. I have to clean it up.
5. If I dont like someone, i roll my eyes to the side, my lips tighten, and mouth grin to the side.
6. I love to smell my kids bums.
7. I like to read before I sleep.
8. Lace is needed in my life.
9. When I have something up my sleeves, I clap in delight.
10. I hate bananas.
11. I eat a 1 inch square of dark chocolate everyday.
12. I drive without music, I hate noises.

Thursday, November 6, 2008
Webster Pages - Oct Challenge Winner
Wow... I woke up (Singapore time) to good news. Over at Webster Pages "Inspire Me" site, my LO was the winning entry for the October Challenge. Thanks Iris for the your inspiring challenge.
Now the Nov challenge by Stephanie Howell is up............ GO and check it out. Join in the Webster Pages community. Lots of inspiration!
Here is mine: Gran's pillow.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Mini Album - GROW
I spend last week and part of this week to finish up this mini album. Since the beginning of Oct, I had 5-6 ideas for mini album. This is 1 of them. Hooray......... done!
Concept: I realised over the years, Charis has many different types of 'ambitions'........ her first was to be a mommy.... then a plumber (I also choked on this one)......... thus I decided to document her changing ambitions starting from 2.5yrs till now 7 years. It is interesting to note what influenced her choice then. It has definitely evolved... PHEW!........ the plumber phrase is over!!!!
I like that this mini album involved her too......... she picked out the photos, she had her handwriting on each page, she helped me lay out the alphas on each page, she used my Sizzix to cut out the alphas....... and these colours best represents her vibrant personality. So 'her'!
Cover: "When I grow up.........."
I want to be a Mommy.
I want to be a plumber:
I want to be a artist:
I want to be a zookeeper:
I can't keep being emotional when I see these pics. My girl has grown up...... she is no longer that chubby face toddler......... *sob... sob*
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Woo hoo... another PUB
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