Tuesday, November 18, 2008

sick sick sick

Oh.. dear.. my kids caught the flu bug. Bad timing....... Just when I got to dig into my DT assignments........... my little Ms E vommitted twice last night. It was horrible. The bed is soaked....... I was soaked in her vomit too! Yikes.. I still smell sour-ish!!! Pray for her that she will be ok this week. Too tired to go on and on...... got to catch some rest!!!


Anabelle O'Malley said...

Y.U.C.K! I hope she's feeling better soon, Wendy.

Audrey Pettit said...

SO sorry to hear this! major, major bummer. I wish you all the best of luck and hope that you don't catch it too.

Sophia said...

Oh my, so sorry to hear about your little ones being sick! It's not easy....do take good care of yourself yah?

Pearl said...

I've got an award for you Wendy ! over at my blog ! hope everything's better now on hte homefront !